Thursday, March 20, 2008

War Protest March 19,2008

In case you did not know, on Wed March 19,2008 King Georges War just celebrated its 5 year anniversary. As conscientious objector I was out in full gear (Raincoat, several layers of clothing, glasses and peace sign covered with clear plastic bags)

My sign said "Iraq Five Years Too Many. I made it on the previous Sunday at the sign making workshop for Coalition For Peace Action of Bucks County. Several of my patriotic protesting freinds and I got our creative juices following so we could all have signs for this anniversary protest which took place at the Trenton Makes World Takes bridge that goes from Morrisville Pennsylvania to Trenton New Jersey, which is the New Jersey capitol.

I had to get up at 6:30 that morning which was way before my rise and shine time. I ready quickly and Pat called saying "Don't want to be out in the rain. I am not feeling to good." "Can you at least make the college. I can drive us there," I said. "No I just want to stay in today." She said.

So I ventured out into miserable rain. I picked my adopted mom, Eleanor, up at the church United Church of Christ, which about half of the people in the Lower Bucks County Peace Movement attend. (I tried to get my church more active. Lord knows I tried. But Morrisville Methodists are just not as politically active as these church going people.)

I drove us to the bridge.I parked and we gave out some extra signs and went crossed the street. We stood on the side that went from Morrisville to Trenton, right at about where the bridge started. I was talking to Bob. I think I was getting a little bit anoying since my mind was racing and I get annoying when it is racing. Bob runs Coalition for Peace Action out of Princeton New Jersey. According to Paul who I used to work with at Italian Bastards florist, Coalition for Peace Action is the largest peace group in the area.

There were about 30 people at the protest. Cars streamed by all heading to jobs at the capitol complex I imagine. Most were positive. Honking, giving us tumbs up or peace signs. One gave us the finger and when I looked at their bumper I saw a Ron Paul sign. Wait a minute I thought wasn't Ron Paul against the war. Wasn't that one of his main platforms. He was the only Republican to be against the war. Why were they giving us the finger then????

After the vigil I went home and tried to relax. I read all the coverage of the war. The local paper was filled with people saying it is time to get out. Some were for the war but the magority were not. The paper did a survey in which they said it was 4 to 1 against the war.

Did the college thing next in which I sat at a table with Paul, Angela and a woman who's name escaped me but I know it started with an A. The college kids were either gong ho or totally "Don't bother me with Iraq." One said "My husband is over there." then walked away. Anotehr said "Freedom is not free." Paul said he wished he could talk to the pro Bushees. A nice Indian student stood around the table talking to us for about a half hour. I told him about my deceased sister who insisted she was the great grand daughter of Gandi. There was another student who actually served in the military (I believe the Navy) She talked about the use of depleted urainium and how woman become steral from it.

Then I did the symposium which was about the business of war. How corporations profi off of it. This was not new to me and I was burnt out so I decided to leave.

I went home ate dinner then went to the Reach Out party, forgetting about the war, just like alost every other American.


Unknown said...

congratulations for participating in a peace rally when you're tired, hungry & your mind is racing. you're in the same situation as those unfortunates who are stationed in iraq or who live in iraq, the beautiful innocent iraqi people. - ruth z. deming

Unknown said...

Hey David! Great write up! Bucks County CFPA did a great job on 3/19.
See you at the vigil on Saturday.

sapphoq said...

Hey David and hi Ruth.
Excellent write up.
